Peaceful and Relaxing music therapy for meditation

9 min readJul 5, 2021

The Latin word “Meditatio,” which means “alignment to center,” was used for meditations. Meditation is great to enhance and balance body, mind and spirit. The contemplative condition of brain waves can be neurologically measured.

The heartbeat slows, deepens breathing, lowers tension in the muscle. In many religions and societies meditation was part of the spiritual process. We distinguish passive meditation and active meditation (mindfulness meditation or quiet) (yoga, dance, martial arts, mantra vocals).

Rhythmic sounds and music make meditation easier because every person has a natural musicality. The strength of the music that many traditional and spiritual songs and priests reflect our predecessors knew about.

Music therapy also takes advantage of the positive effect of music.

Calming music is a relaxing retreat effect with tranquil sounds in the background, generally sounds from nature, such as water flows.

It is employed not only in meditation but also in massages, spa treatments or spare time in the private sector.

The purpose of relaxation is not usually meditation. This is why meditative music is more than pure music of relaxation, mainly to remove the tension and generate a calm state of mind, body and spirit. Meditation Music comprises relaxing music, but also a vibrant drum genre, or other vibrant music that helps active meditation!

Meditation Music

…maybe categorized either East or West influences music and also into a combination of West and East music (New Age). The music of eastern meditation is often employed as an energy source in Asia, for instance, Qi Gong or Tai Chi Chuan. The pure Sound Meditation with its long-lasting sound, including the singing bowls. This music frequently affects people deep in their souls and can heal therapy. During

The Hippi era took place during the 1960s and 1970s as many Western musicians journeyed to India, in quest of inspiration, a combination of East and West musical influences.

Famous musicians, like Deuter, Karunesh or Klaus Wiese, blended Indian and western Music forms into a totally new kind of New Age music.

This music is a major part of today’s music for meditation. Traditional Asian instruments like Sitar, Tabla or Bamboo Flute as well as modern Western instruments like Piano and Guitar can be heard.

It often contains interpretations of traditional spiritual songs and mantras (Mantra Music). Western Meditation Music mainly includes classical music or Gregorian chants.

Meditation music can be used as an element in the background or as a guiding element in the foreground. Meditation Music can also affect people by singing along (chanting). Music in a guided meditation (fantasy journey, chakra meditation, deep relaxation) is played with low volume, substituting the instructor’s words, to strengthen the relaxation and the meditation’s effect.

An exception is the Shamanic Journey, which is usually performed by a steady, energetic drum rhythm. This rhythm does not lead to relaxation, but into a trancelike state.

In passive meditation, Meditation Music is mainly used for relaxation. During dynamic meditation, music is in the foreground. The tempo is usually fast and rhythmic. This music encourages the listeners to move and start certain physical, mental and spiritual processes. Examples: the yoga practices such as the dynamic exercises in Kundalini Yoga, or as the Whirling Dervishes in Sufism.

There is also Meditation Music to sing along: Mantra Music. Here the Mantra is being sung repeatedly several times, while the mind is connected to the meditation’s subject.

With a Mantra, a “word of power”, energy is being released from a sound. Chanting is a part of yoga.

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Weight gain is often due to past hurts and trauma.

Negative emotions are trapped and stored in the body. In this audio we address:

Increasing your self-confidence and motivation to nurture yourself

The emotional weight you’ve been carrying around with you

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Shifting the way, you see yourself.

Whatever you focus your attention on you attract more of. Shifting the way, you see yourself, will cause you to lose weight rather than gain it. The NLP technique in this audio will:

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Diets and Bootcamps can help you lose weight quickly, only to gain more weight once finished.
The unhealthy habits still have power over you. In this audio I will:

Enable you to visualize and focus on how you want to be, so you stay on track

Reset the subconscious mind to adapt to new healthy eating habits

Remove old childhood beliefs around food

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The last 5 minutes of your day are the most crucial. Your subconscious mind works on the thoughts and feelings you have when falling asleep in order to create your reality. Do you fall asleep fearful of the unknown and worrying?

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How to use The Solfeggio Frequencies

Some time ago a friend recommended me an article on the internet, speaking about the Solfeggio Frequencies. These are “forgotten frequencies” that do not exist in our common twelve-tone system and which have different positive effects on the human body.

As a musician, I was interested immediately and began to search the web for further, more profound information on these specific frequencies. Unfortunately, I realized that the only meaningful information was mere in the article my friend had sent.

So, I searched for a book from which I could learn more about these mysterious frequencies. But unfortunately, only one could be found, written by a US dentist named Dr. Leonhard Horowitz. This man rediscovered the frequencies and their different effects on the human organism after many centuries of oblivion. In his book “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse*” he made them accessible to the public.

We are talking about the so-called Solfeggio Frequencies that were already known to several ancient cultures and have been used for the alleviation and cure of physical and mental illnesses. Horowitz explains in his book:

Even the early Catholic Church knew of the Solfeggio Frequencies and their effects and put them in the context of the composition of numerous chorales, such as the Gregorian monk chants.

However, as these particular frequencies brought a mind-expanding effect to some listeners (and also to the singer or musicians), the Vatican started to see a menace to the ecclesiastical power structure and banned the Solfeggio Frequencies.

The different functions of the frequencies are based on the fact that all matter in our universe vibrates at a certain frequency. This fundamental vibration of matter and thus also of the human body can be affected and altered by exposing it to external vibrations in a different frequency.

This principle is also being used in alternative therapies, such as homeopathy or bio-resonance therapy.

According to Horowitz’s theory, certain states of consciousness can be achieved by listening to the frequencies for a while. That way self-healing processes of the body are supposed to be triggered.

The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies with their vibration (hz) and effect

  • 174 hz — reduce physical pain, connect with the earth
  • 285 hz — strengthen visual imagination and energy fields
  • 396 hz — liberation from guilt and fear
  • 417 hz — resonance with the universe, changes
  • 528 hz — miracles & signs
  • 639 hz — harmonious relations with our neighbours and partners
  • 741 hz — Awakening Intuition of own
  • 852 hz — the return to spiritual order
  • 963 hz — activate the pineal gland

Impressed by this theory, I started an experiment with a friend in which we tuned one of my synthesizers and an acoustic guitar to one of these frequencies; the Solfeggio Frequency with 417 Hz.

The Meaning Behind the Solfeggio Frequencies

So, what makes this scale so significant that it’s still being talked about and used hundreds of years later?

There’s the musical, historical, and religious importance mentioned above. But these frequencies are also said to have healing attributes.

396 Hz: the first is thought to help liberate us from feelings of guilt and fear, which is arguably one of the biggest obstacles we face in life.

417 Hz: the second helps with the undoing of situations and facilitating change in our lives. It is said to alleviate the conscious and subconscious mind from traumatic past experiences.

528 Hz: The third is perhaps the most famous of the frequencies, because of its reputation for creating profound transformation and miracles. It has even been linked to the repair of human DNA, the most basic building blocks of our bodies and minds.

639 Hz: The fourth is said to improve our connection and relationships with the people around us. This includes healing strained relationships and creating new ones.

741 Hz: the fifth is connected to expression and solutions, helping us open up and share our gifts with the world more fully.

852 Hz: the sixth and final of the original notes, returns us to the spiritual order, improving our access to the spiritual or sublime.

Usually, instruments and music are tuned to 440 hz. When the instruments were tuned, we played about 30 minutes of pieces that we were recording at the same time. While playing on this frequency we got into a pleasant state of relaxation.

Also, while listening to the recorded session, we felt that relaxation, same as other friends who were shown our recording.

It hasn’t been scientifically proved that the Solfeggio Frequencies really have any of the mentioned effects, but I am convinced that these frequencies absolutely make a difference. The good thing: By using the frequencies, you can’t do anything wrong. They have no negative side effects at all. So if you just feel great while listening, why not use them as relaxing music for the mind and body…

How Solfeggio Frequencies Can Help You

You don’t have to believe that the Solfeggio frequencies are a miracle cure that will heal your wounds and alleviate a lifetime of trauma with the playing of a few notes.

It’s undeniable that through history music has contributed to wellbeing and healing, and this is now confirmed in modern scientific literature.

Music is given great significance in the Bible, in Greek mythology, ancient Egypt, and even among famous Greek philosophers, like Aristotle and Plato.

Albert Einstein said the following:

Concerning matters, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.

Music is vibration, and music that vibrates at the right frequency has a positive effect on your matter, i.e. your mind and body.




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